Because there is no login for the widget, it is very quick and easy to view your own meter. Here are the steps you will need to take:

  1. Copy your EKM Push User Key, which was emailed to you when you purchased your system (we also included a link to your own widget in this email). .e.g. MTAxMDoyMDIw
  2. Navigate to the EKM Widget using an internet browser.
  3. You can start from one of our public examples like this solar generation meter:
  4. After the Widget loads, click the gear icon towards the lower right of the graph. 

  5. Paste your User Key into the text box marked "Key." 
  6. Click the green check mark. This should pull in all of the meters associated to that key.
  7. Select the meter you wish to visualize from the drop-down menu marked "Meter."
  8. You can new add a timezone or adjust other settings if you wish. 
  9. Click "Apply."