1. Log in to your Encompass account.
  2. Click the "account" link in the header.
  3. Here you can change the name, email address, and/or password of your account.
  4. When you are ready, click "Save"

If you've forgotten your password and are unable to log in to your account:
  1. Go here: https://encompass.io/meters/login/
  2. Click the "Forgot password?" link.
  3. This will take you to a page that prompts you to enter your email address.

  4. Enter the email address that is associated with your Encompass account

  5. Click "Send Email" when you are ready.

  6. An email has been sent to the email address that you provided. You need to find that email in you inbox. If you don't receive it within a few minutes, check your spam folder to see if it has been routed there erroneously.

  7. Once you find the email, click the "Reset Password" button in the body of the email.

  8. This will take you back to Encompass.io and a page that will allow you to enter your new password.

  9. Enter the password that you wish to use for your account in both text boxes.

  10. Click "Change my password" when you are ready.

  11. You have now completed the password reset and can log in to you account using your new password.