Yes. The EKM Push data service is free for meters that are set to a once/minute send rate (this is the default) or slower. If you’d like to have your meter(s) send data to the cloud faster, it is possible to send meter data as fast as once/second. For faster that once/minute send rates there is a per-meter monthly fee that varies depending on the rate, which you can see if you click the link below.
Please note that a once/second send rate is only possible if you you have a single Omnimeter connected to your EKM Push gateway. It takes approximately one second to send a meter read and only one meter can be read at a time by a given Push gateway. So for example, if you have 50 Omnimeters connected to a Push gateway, the fastest that you will be able to send data for each of those meters is once every 50 seconds.
You can subscribe to increase your meter read rate by going here:
Changing the read send rate is done manually by our team at EKM so please allow for up to one business day for the read rate change to take affect.