We are making improvements to Push3 over time in the form of firmware updates, among other things. In most cases the Push3 will automatically download and update to the latest firmware but there are some cases where it will fail to do so (poor internet connection, cellular connection, etc.). In those cases you may want to manually update the firmware from time to time. We recommend keeping your Push3 on the latest firmware, especially if you are experiencing any issues. Gateways with a firmware version that is v1.6511 or older will need to be updated manually. 

You can see which firmware version your Push3 is currently on in your EKM Push Account Portal. You can also see if a newer firmware version is available:

There are rare cases where the Push3 fails to read its assigned meters and the LEDs are not responding to a good internet connection or meter data. In those cases, re-flashing the gateway with the latest firmware will sometimes resolve the issue. 

If your Push3's firmware is not updating, one option is to take the gateway to a different location and reconnect it to power and internet (via ethernet). If the internet connection is better at that location, then it may download and install the latest firmware automatically on boot up. 

Firmware can also be manually flashed to the Push3 by installing the firmware image on an SD card and then booting up the Push3 with the SD card installed. Heres how it's done:

On a Windows computer:

  1. Download the latest firmware image here: https://images.ekmmetering.com/latest.img.zip

  2. Unzip the image and write it to the 16GB or larger Micro SD card, using this https://sourceforge.net/projects/win32diskimager/files/latest/download?source=navbar or similar software

  3. Power off the Push3 gateway by disconnecting the power supply

  4. Remove the SD card that is in the Push3 (the one it came with) and put in the new firmware SD card.

  5. Power it back up and it will begin the firmware update automatically. It’s going to take awhile. The LEDs will do a lot of flashing during the update process. Wait about 30 minutes, when is completely finished the LEDs will go dark.

  6. Once the LEDs are dark, disconnect the power supply from the Push3 and then remove the SD card and put back in the original SD card.

  7. Then re-power the gateway. Hopefully that’s it. It may do one additional update after it first boots but then should be good to go. You should see the power LED (closest to the edge of the Push3) turn green and the RS-485 and internet LEDS will do their green flashes if it’s all working ok. You should also see it updating data in the cloud.

On a Mac:

  1. Download the latest firmware image here: https://images.ekmmetering.com/latest.img.zip
  2. Unzip the image
  3. Install a 16GB or larger Micro SD card into your computer

  4. Download Etcher or another similar software: https://www.balena.io/etcher/

  5. Drag Etcher into the Applications folder on the Mac to install, and then launch the app
  6. Run the application and click on “Select Image” and select the image folder in step 1
  7. Click on “Select Drive” and choose the target SD card you want to write the image to
  8. Click on “Flash” to start the image writing process
  9. When the firmware SD card is ready, power off the Push3 gateway by disconnecting the power supply

  10. Remove the SD card that is in the Push3 (the one it came with) and put in the new firmware SD card.

  11. Power it back up and it will begin the firmware update automatically. It’s going to take awhile. The LEDs will do a lot of flashing during the update process. Wait about 30 minutes, when is completely finished the LEDs will go dark.

  12. Once the LEDs are dark, disconnect the power supply from the Push3 and then remove the SD card and put back in the original SD card.

  13. Then re-power the gateway. Hopefully that’s it. It may do one additional update after it first boots but then should be good to go. You should see the power LED (closest to the edge of the Push3) turn green and the RS-485 and internet LEDS will do their green flashes if it’s all working ok. You should also see it updating data in the cloud.

*There are many ways to mount a firmware image on an SD card. These are just a couple options for how it can be done.

The latest Push3 firmware is v1.6874 (as of this edit, January 9, 2025)

The latest Push3 Updater is v0.0842 (as of this edit, January 9, 2025)