Below are instructions for how to set up the EKM Widget to display your ioStack/sensor data.  A good place to start is this video or in this section of the support desk before you read the ioStack specific instructions below.

If you already have an EKM Widget set up to display other data, click the gear icon to start the set up process. You would then start on step 3 of the 'Selecting your ioStack' instructions below.

Selecting Your ioStack

  1. Go to
  2. Input you EKM Push key into the Key text box and then click the check mark
  3. Choose ioStack from the Device Type dropdown list
  4. Choose the serial number of your ioStack from the Device Address dropdown list

Analog Sensors

  1. Click on the 'Analog' tab
  2. Click on the ioStack's analog input for the sensor you want to set up
  3. Name the Sensor
  4. Choose the sensor type from the dropdown list or set up the sensor as a custom type sensor
  5. If a sensor model is chosen the minimum analog input value, maximum analog input value, conversion value, and formula will be filled in automatically. Those are all for the analog sensor data to be converted into real units of measurement that can be displayed properly in the EKM Widget. For example if you want to convert the analog value from a Tank Level sensor to a % of full, we use this formula:  ((value - 604) * 100) / (1238 - 604) 

1-Wire Sensors

  1. Click on the '1 Wire' tab
  2. Select your 1 Wire sensor type for the dropdown list. The first number after the sensor type is the 1-wire input number of the ioStack. the second number is the position of the sensor on that 1-wire bus. So for example, 1-Wire 1_1 Degree C is a 1-wire temperature sensor connected to 1-wire input 1 on the ioStack and it is the 1st sensor on the bus. If you only have one sensor connected then it is the the first sensor on the bus.
  3. If you would like to convert the 1-wire sensor data to a different unit of measurement, fill in the conversion formula in the text box and the provide the unit symbol in the last text box.
    For example, if you want to convert degrees Celsius into Fahrenheit you would use this formula: value*9/5+32

Display Settings

  1. Click on the 'Layout/Fields' tab
  2. Select your sensor input, or converted input, in the Line Graph Fields list
  3. Select a sensor input, or converted input, value from the Bar Graph Field dropdown list
  4. Click Save & Apply when ready
  5. Please note that the url of your widget will have changed to incorporate your changes.  If you copy and paste your new EKM Widget url, you can use it at a later time to view this same widget with your customized settings.  More information about the EKM Widget and how to save changes are explained in this video or in this section of the support desk.