Each v.3 Omnimeter cycles through 15 different values on its LCD display. Each value is indicated by a number on the left of the meter's screen. This is what each number equates to:

v.4 and v.5 Omnimeter models cycle through 40 different values on its LCD display by default. Each value is indicated by a number on the left of the screen. This is what each number equates to:

The v.4 and v.5 Omnimeter models allow you to set which value(s) display on the screen according to what you want to read. This is a setting that can be made inside the meter using a Push3 and the meter settings options in your account portal, or our EKM Dash software when the Omnimeter is connect directly to a computer with our EKM Blink USB converter. Here is a Tutorial about how this is done.

For a description of each of these metered values go to the Glossary of Omnimeter Data Terms

The LED to the right of the LCD display blinks 800 times per kWh.