We typically assign Omnimeter to Push3 gateways before we ship them. In some cases, where multiple Push3 and many meters are ordered, we will ship the Omnimeters and Push3 unassigned. However, we still add all of them to you EKM Push account. This makes makes making assignments later on easier. For one thing you can make the assignments yourself, once everything is installed and you know which meters are connected to which Push3.

Here is how you make your own Omnimeter/Push3 assignments

  1. Log in to you online Account Portal or register your account portal if you haven't already
  2. Select the meter, from the left column, that you would like to assign to a Push3
  3. Click on the Configuration tab
  4. Select the Push3 MAC address from the available option in the dropdown list. On your Push3 gateway the MAC address is on a sticker near the ethernet port.
  5. You can also name your meter at the same time, using the available text box
  6. Click the save button when you are ready. The new meter assignment can take up to an hour to take affect. Power cycling the Push3 gateway will often speed up the process.

Please note that the above steps are only possible if the Push3 and Omnimeter are already in your EKM Push account. If they aren't yet in your account, please fill out this form and we will add the missing meters: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSc7o2EFVOmLhhkxskNhLk9YvLqSf-UzfXgjnOPg8hyLkxK7Yw/viewform?usp=sf_link

Additionally, it is not possible for you to change Push2/Omnimeter assignments. These assignment changes would need to be made by EKM upon request.